Segment LPB National Sports Festival in Baton Rouge (1985) Louisiana: The State We're In National Sports Festival LDMA Keywords Louganis, Greg, 1960- LDMA Keywords Sports PBS PODS This segment from the July 26, 1985, episode of the series “Louisiana: The State We’re In” features Laura Myers’ preview of the 6th Annual National Sports Festival in Baton Rouge, an event for amateur athletes hosted by the United States Olympic Committee. She interviews: Mason Gallagher of Fort Bragg; Greg Louganis, diving; Wendy Lucero, diving; Ken Ferguson, diving; Gillian Wachsman, figure skating; Todd Waggoner, figure skating; Bill Bankhead, executive director; Mayor Pat Screen, Baton Rouge; Debbie Candilora, volleyball; Anthony Curci, volleyball; Jennie Peters, marathon; Lyle Parker, marathon; Mike Baldwin, cycling; and Paul Depace, coach. Host: Ken Johnson Abstract Newsmagazine PBCore Genre Picklist Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana Spatial Johnson, Ken Host Myers, Laura Reporter Gallagher, Mason Interviewee Louganis, Greg Interviewee Lucero, Wendy Interviewee Ferguson, Kent Interviewee Wachsman, Gillian Interviewee Waggoner, Todd Interviewee Bankhead, Bill Interviewee Screen, Pat Interviewee Candilora, Debbie Interviewee Curci, Anthony Interviewee Peters, Jenni Interviewee Parker, Lyle Interviewee Baldwin, Mike Interviewee Depace, Paul Interviewee Louisiana Educational Television Authority Copyright Holder True True 00:13:19 1985-07-26 00:01:31